Last weekend, we took the s14 to the shop, and went to town. Ripped it apart, and sent it to the junk yard which is conveniently located right behind the shop. Mission accomplished
Hachi enjoys some grape drank after workin. Victory
Picking up the corolla on sunday! Just paid for it, and got my bill of sale. Tooooo excited, can't wait to start buckling down on it! Need it ready by may, but i doubt that'll happen... Dinner time.
BG checking in. Blog Spot seems to be the new hotness, and 09 its gonna be a year of hot fiyah. Once I get my new race car that is. It started off with a sweet license suspension, then a sweet job at enjuku racing which im enjoying, and now an s14 zouki wallbox edtion part out. Someone buy my motor =] Ill post a little more about my car and myself in my next post, im just bored and anxious to play with this blog. And so its not too boring, im gonna end it with this old OSW Video from 08 I just finished watching. My favorite part is at 1:58